Town of Greenland – Greenland, NH 03840


11 Town Square – PO Box 100

Phone: 603.431.3070 – Fax: 603.430.3761

Website: greenland-nh.com




Thursday, May 02, 2019 – 7:00 p.m. – Town Hall Conference Room


Planning Board Members Present: Frank Catapano, Stu Gerome, Steve Gerrato, Rich Winsor, Catie Medeiros (Alternate), Bob Dion (Alternate)


Planning Board Members Absent: John McDevitt, Dave Moore, Vaughan Morgan (Alternate), Steve Smith (Selectmen’s Rep)

Board of Selectmen Present: Chester Deorocki, Chip Hussey, Rick Hussey, Jim Rolston


Staff: Mark Fougere – Consultant; Matthew Scruton – Town Administrator



Chair Winsor opened the Planning Board meeting at 7:00 p.m. A roll call was taken by the Chair; he announced a quorum was present and the meeting was being recorded.


  1. Joint Meeting with Board of Selectmen – CIP Policy and Procedures


Chair Winsor stated that as a joint body, he was hoping the Board of Selectmen and Planning Board could work together to make improvements to the Capital Improvement Plan. Information is requested from departments and it seems to fall flat.


  1. Hussey, responding to a question from S. Gerome, stated there was one area that was a major problem when he managed the CIP program; they may not have seen a need for it or didn’t want to take a chance and participate. Now they have a $1.4 million lease; 75% would have been paid for if they had participated in the CIP as early as three years ago and put it on their warrant.


Chair Winsor stated that as a Town, Greenland leans toward warrant articles; they’re granted without much fight. Why should departments participate if they can go for a warrant article? Investments should be planned for well in advance; it makes for more prudent financial decisions, particularly in a town that’s getting to a point where it might be looking at some trouble. How can departments be incentivized to participate? C. Hussey noted that the CIP is being started earlier than in past years.


Chair Winsor asked if it would be feasible for the Selectmen not to recommend something if it wasn’t on the CIP. It was explained that the CIP is a Planning Board project; they recommended which articles should move forward. Based on the Planning Board recommendations, the Board of Selectmen would make recommendations to the voters.


  1. Hussey stated that the biggest problem for the Town was the School; they needed to start planning. They have the most employees, the biggest building and the biggest budget. Their current $1.4 million project could have been done easily through the CIP as a five year plan. Chair Winsor questioned if there was something on the CIP when funds were released, does it have to go to that project. C. Hussey responded funds have to be spent on the warrant article as worded.







Planning Board Work Session Minutes – Page 1 of 3 (Thursday 05.02.2019)

Documents used by the Planning Board during this meeting may be found in the case file.





The only “teeth” for the CIP is in the statute (RSA 674:7). It requires the School and every municipal department to participate. If they don’t participate, it could go to court. RSA 674:7, states in part, “shall transmit to the board or committee a statement of all capital projects it proposes to undertake during the term of the program”. M. Fougere stated it’s good planning and could help in advocacy for the project. The Town and School would also be aware of future plans. M. Fougere suggested that M. Scruton meet with the Superintendent of Schools. Chair Winsor suggested contacting the Town Attorney for guidance on the statute.


There was a discussion about the School’s impact on the tax rate. F. Catapano stated that the Selectmen try to be fiscally conservative; the School has no interest in it. He wasn’t attacking the School, but they’re not interested in being fiscally conservative. Once the tax rate starts going up, people start saying “no”. F. Catapano continued that the focus should be on repairing roads and bringing them up to standards as well as fixing the Fire Station. There was a discussion about replacing emergency vehicles. Funds should be put aside each year for future needs. It was noted that an engineering company was hired to evaluate each road in Town.


Accountability for elected officials, Town and School, was discussed. It was noted that the School Administration also needed to be held accountable. Maria Emory, School Board Chair, and John Balboni, School Board, will be at the Board of Selectmen meeting on Monday, May 13, 2019. The School Board would like to work with the Selectmen. F. Catapano suggested telling them they had the most impact on the Town and they were irresponsible with their $1.4 million lease.


  1. Scruton suggested that before contacting the Town Attorney, he would like to contact the Superintendent of Schools to work together on the CIP before letters are sent and lawyers are involved. Although Chair Winsor appreciated M. Scruton’s suggestion, he’s been on the Board 15 years and it’s been the same result every time. He didn’t want letters sent, but wanted to hear what the Town Attorney had to say in order for the Board to know where they stood and to educate themselves as to what could happen. There should be a meeting with the School to explain the requirements and that they had to engage. J. Rolston noted that this is the first time in his four years as a Selectman that the School has come in to try and work together; he felt that was a positive sign. M. Scruton noted that RSA 674:7 outlined the responsibility of every municipal department, including the School District; their participation is required. M. Scruton will contact the New Hampshire Municipal Association.


It was noted that the School Board may not understand the purpose of the CIP and how it worked. S. Gerome suggested M. Fougere do a CIP presentation for any Board or department that wanted to attend. M. Fougere reminded that Board they would need to decide on a CIP committee or subcommittee and its members; suggested representatives: Selectman, Planning Board, Budget Committee and School Board.


  1. Other Business


  1. Gerrato informed the Boards that $13.5 million in C-MAQ funds recently became available. The stipulation was that an LPA Certified Project Manager was needed. He asked the Boards if they were ready and did they want to try to get the Rt. 33 gridlock project moving. C. Hussey stated he would like to see the George Bush Highway opened and a third lane onto Grafton. He would also like to see Greenland get a seat on the PDA. S. Gerrato recommended the 10 year plan and receiving some of the C-MAQ money. C. Hussey responded that after speaking to the Governor’s representative, the State wasn’t planning to do anything because the Winnicut River Bridge was too strong.







Planning Board Work Session Minutes – Page 2 of 3 (Thursday 05.02.2019)

Documents used by the Planning Board during this meeting may be found in the case file.





MOTION: C. Hussey moved that the Board of Selectmen adjourn. Second – C. Deorocki; all in favor. MOTION CARRIED


  1. Master Plan Survey Update


  1. Fougere updated the Board that the survey has been uploaded to Survey Monkey. The Post Office will be contacted about the bulk mailing. The letter and survey will be printed at the State Prison; they will also print and stuff the envelopes. Printing turnaround is seven to ten days.


The Survey Monkey default is set so one person can do the survey per IP address on the computer; it may be possible to limit it to two. The survey can also be done on other devices (tablet, phone, etc.). The Board was in agreement to limit the survey to one per IP address. Collection points will be the Town Hall, Library and School for residents completing the paper copy of the survey. Links will be posted on the Town’s website and Facebook page.


  1. Approval of Minutes


MOTION: F. Catapano moved to approve the minutes of Thursday, April 18, 2019. Second – S. Gerrato; all in favor. MOTION CARRIED


  1. Approval of Invoices


MOTION: K. Medeiros moved to approve payment of the following invoices: from the Planning Board

Town Budget – Master Plan: $590.25 (Survey Monkey: $384; Fougere Planning & Development:

$206.25); from the Planning Board Town Budget – Fougere Planning and Development: $831.39. Second

– F. Catapano; all in favor. MOTION CARRIED


  1. Other Business


  1. Fougere recommended at least five people on the CIP Committee: Planning Board, Selectman, Budget Committee, School Board and one at large. The subcommittee will interview departments and boards about their requests. Current committee members include: Rick Hussey (Selectman) and Steve Smith (Selectmen’s Rep to the Planning Board). The Board was reminded that the July 4th meeting was a Thursday and there will not be a meeting; the CIP should be addressed soon. The Town budget process will start in September; department budgets go to the Selectmen in October. F. Catapano asked for a schedule of projected dates.


Zoning will be added to the work session and public hearing agendas for the near future. Rt. 33 isn’t dead and will be looked at through the Master Plan.


  1. Adjournment


MOTION: S. Gerrato moved to adjourn at 7:53 p.m. Second – F. Catapano; all in favor. MOTION CARRIED




Thursday, May 16, 2019 – 7 p.m., Public Hearing, Town Hall Conference Room


Respectfully Submitted: Charlotte Hussey, Administrative Assistant


Approved: ______





Planning Board Work Session Minutes – Page 3 of 3 (Thursday 05.02.2019)

Documents used by the Planning Board during this meeting may be found in the case file.



Official Copy

Greenland NH richard winsor chairman







We have posted these minutes to our site, in an easy to navigate format, for your reference and convenience.  These are copies only, and we strongly suggest you follow the link to the original copy to ensure you they are the most up-to-date filing.  



Founded by Richard Winsor in 2017, 2KR Partners brings years of experience and hands-on success in building and optimizing small and mid-size operations and a track record of building world-class, highly profitable, operations.

Why 2KR? 

2KR is a buoy located at the mouth of the Piscataqua River and the entrance to the Harbor of Portsmouth, NH.  It is at this point where the tide shifts twelve feet of water, twice daily, and one would expect great turbulence here.  Instead of turbulence, one is greeted with relatively calm waters that efficiently flow and welcome you to safe-harbor. 


