Town of Greenland – Greenland, NH 03840


11 Town Square – PO Box 100

Phone: 603.431.3070 – Fax: 603.430.3761

Website: greenland-nh.com






Thursday, April 04, 2019 – 7:00 p.m. – Town Hall Conference Room


Members Present: Frank Catapano, Stu Gerome, Steve Gerrato, David Moore, Bob Dion (Alternate), Steve Smith (Selectmen’s Rep)


Members Absent: John McDevitt, Rich Winsor, Catie Medeiros (Alternate), Vaughan Morgan (Alternate)

Staff: Mark Fougere – Consultant



  1. Gerome opened the Planning Board meeting at 7:00 p.m. A roll call was taken by S. Gerome; he announced a quorum was present and the meeting was being recorded.


  1. Date of CIP Meeting with Board of Selectmen


The Board of Selectmen will meet with the Planning Board to discuss the policy/procedures for the CIP on Thursday, May 02, 2019, at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall Conference Room. M. Fougere explained that the CIP is a six year plan which identifies capital projects and equipment purchases, provides a planning schedule and identifies options for financing the plan to smooth out the impact on the tax rate.


  1. Master Plan Survey


A revised questionnaire for the survey was reviewed and discussed. Under “Town Development” questions were included about traffic on Rt. 33. S. Gerrato suggested that testing for PFOA’s and PFOS’s should be included under “Water Quality”. He felt it was important in this Town now. “Water Quality” was discussed at length.


The survey will be sent to homeowners and include a link to Survey Monkey; it will also be on the Town’s website and the Facebook page. Survey Monkey will be created to be accessible on a tablet. There was a discussion on the Planning Board’s “end goal”. The survey done in 2005 was done by quadrants, and many residents didn’t know which quadrant they lived in; the Board briefly discussed the best way to do the survey this year.


  1. Fougere will update the survey questions based on the discussions for the next meeting.


  1. Approval of Minutes


MOTION: F. Catapano moved to approve the minutes of the meeting on Thursday, March 21, 2019. Second – D. Moore; all in favor. MOTION CARRIED








Planning Board Work Session Minutes – Page 1 of 2 (Thursday 04.04.2019)

Documents used by the Planning Board during this meeting may be found in the case file.




  1. Approval of Invoices


MOTION: F. Catapano moved to approve payment of the invoice from Fougere Development in the amount of $1,112.62 from the Town Budget. Second – D. Moore; all in favor. MOTION CARRIED


  1. Items for the Next Meeting


Site Plan Review, 150 Ocean Road, will be on the agenda for the meeting on Thursday, April 18, 2019. They are proposing to expand the existing gravel parking area at the rear of the property for trailer storage; the expansion will be approximately ½ acre. M. Fougere noted that the survey indicates the Novel Iron Works is encroaching on their property.


  1. Other Business


  1. Gerrato stated he didn’t give a very good presentation at the last meeting when trying to recruit someone for the RPC. He believed the RPC was a worthwhile organization and someone should be there to track things. S. Gerrato discussed the roundabout plan he saw at RPC in 2011.


  1. Adjournment


MOTION: S. Gerrato moved to adjourn at 7:32 p.m. Second – F. Catapano; all in favor. MOTION CARRIED




Thursday, April 18, 2019 – 7:00 p.m., Public Hearing, Town Hall Conference Room



Respectfully Submitted: Charlotte Hussey, Secretary to the Boards


Approved: ________


Planning Board Work Session Minutes – Page 2 of 2 (Thursday 04.04.2019)

Documents used by the Planning Board during this meeting may be found in the case file.



Official Copy

Greenland NH richard winsor chairman







We have posted these minutes to our site, in an easy to navigate format, for your reference and convenience.  These are copies only, and we strongly suggest you follow the link to the original copy to ensure you they are the most up-to-date filing.  



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