Which Game Are You Playing?

We have all heard the analogies of strategists that play checkers while the more superior will play chess and we have all seen this play out in real-life.  Have you ever notice the truly successful players aren’t playing either, at least not in a traditional way?

Strategy is not a linear game, nor is it a game that is played on a single plane.  Strategy is a multi-dimensional game that must be played in three dimensions.  Gamesmanship comes from all directions, front, back, side, up, down and diagonal and it is imperative that you align your strategies to account for this; three dimensional chess.

For us to be effective strategists we must realize that we can’t go it alone and develop plans in a vacuum.  As you build your strategy draw on the expertise around you, build consensus and buy-in to help protect you from unexpected pitfalls! 

Richard Winsor Greenland NH Operations Consultant

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